It takes a Village….
Have you ever heard of the phrase it takes a village to raise a child, which in 2023 is a reality. We have so many different villages (Communities) that are raising our boys but are we effective in raising our boys that are part of our village.
Let’s look at what the phrase means,
The saying emphasizes that a child’s upbringing is a communal effort involving many different people and groups, from parents to teachers to neighbours and grandparents.
The whole idea is the collective involvement of a community is essential in achieving a certain goal or completing a task, like raising a kid.
When we look at our young men today, are we as a village succeeding in raising young men?
Statistic shows that 90% of all crimes that are committed, are committed by men, and the root of it is fatherlessness. We live in a society that 60% of all births in South Africa, the father’sdetails are not on birth certificate, which indicates that the father is absent.
So, who is raising those young kids that is growing up without a father figure.? Yes, our single mothers are doing a great job, but is it fair towards a mother to play both roles, a child whether a girl/or a boy, there are certain things that they need to learn from a father that a mother cannot teach them.
So, the challenge is where is the village, how is the village helping our single parents raise a child, how is the village helping our boys know what it is to be a man and how he should conduct himself in society, because if men are the cause for 90% of crimes, then men should also be the solution to that problem.
So, village let’s start raising our kids, lets teach them what they should know, and demonstrate it to them.
Above relates to our Father and Son Training programme with The World Needs a Father movement and the Boys Mentorship programme that is taking place every week on a Thursday for boys between 12-16 years old as that is the most critical age in any boys life.
If you want to know more about what we do with the boys and fathers or want to volunteer your time at a camp or outreach, feel free to make contact on any of our platforms or visit our offices in Wellington.
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